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Breanna: I very much appreciate this article, but I do have a somewhat long question about rewarding responses to feedback. In the past I have tried giving points for using feedback in revision and it gets confusing. I wonder if you would comment, or maybe even write about this in a future post. The problem is that I am already giving points for the improved part of the essay--and then I'm giving more points for responding to feedback for exactly the same thing? For example: a thesis is weak and the student only earns 6 of 10 possible points on the first draft, I provide feedback, and they improve the thesis up to 9 points on the 2nd draft. I increase the overall grade accordingly, but then would I also be adding additional points just because the student responded to my feedback? Can first drafts never earn more than 80%? Do you have entirely different rubrics with different possible scores for first and second drafts? When I did this in the past, both my students and I ended up pretty confused, so more details would be very helpful. Thanks so much. I have been reading your articles for a few years and they are so helpful.

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